Internships with PSR Pennsylvania
If you care about health and the environment and want to make a difference, apply to be a PSR Pennsylvania intern today.
What do interns with PSR Pennsylvania do? Interns help us educate and engage the public on the most critical public health issues of our time. Interns help us get our issues out to the media, build coalitions, organize events and advocate for policies that improve the health of our communities. You’ll help us build the kind of public support it takes to win!
Our Campaigns
● Fracking & Health. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," is a natural gas extraction process with severe negative consequences for human health and the climate. Fracking for natural gas extraction creates potentially harmful health effects during the hydraulic fracturing technique itself, and from associated processes including road building, pad clearing, truck trips, drilling, cementing, flowback waters, off-gassing, compressors, and pipelines. At PSR PA we firmly believe that there is no safe way to frack.
● Climate Change. Climate change is undoubtedly the greatest challenge facing the planet. Since 2000, we’ve experienced 16 of the 17 warmest years on record — including 2016, the hottest year ever recorded. Our challenge is to stop putting more carbon pollution into the air.
● Renewable Energy. PSR PA not only supports the transition to clean energy to protect our communities, but supports a 'just transition' that does not leave poor and minority communities behind and at continued or greater risk. Thanks to the US Climate Action Network, PSR Pennsylvania and our partner EQAT are working to support this transition. As fossil fuels continue to contribute to climate change, their pollution affects public health making renewable energy a priority.
● Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution. From a public health perspective, investing in violence prevention can help support basic human rights, reduce death and disease, address underlying societal factors and accelerate economic development. With a focus on gun violence, PSR PA envisions communities that are safe from all types of gun violence and their lasting effects on health and wellbeing.
Becoming a PSR Pennsylvania Intern
If you agree that it’s time to solve these big public health problems, the best thing you can do to get involved is to apply to be an intern. We’re looking for students who care deeply about public health and the environment and are ready to make a difference now.
● Learn how to analyze environmental problems, push for smart solutions, and build the public support it takes to win.
● Work side-by-side with us, learning the ropes.
● And you'll attend briefings and training to learn even more about environmental issues and gain organizing skills.