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Safe Technology in Schools 2023

Cindy Lee Russell, M.D.

Digital and wireless technologies have benefits for students but also create a complex set of risks which include mental health, adverse eye effects, diminished physical activity, impaired learning and memory, loss of privacy and security, commodification by Ed Tech companies, as well as direct health effects with structural brain changes and neurocognition effects that could result directly from radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emissions. Based on scientific research the SCCMA in March 2023 passed Best Practice Policy Recommendations for Safe Technology to improve health, safety and the learning environment for students. Research on digital technology and mental health effects such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit and suicide could be confounded by the direct short-term and cumulative long-term effects of RFR on the nervous system and brain functioning. Synergistic effects need to be accounted for in mental health studies of digital communications. Physicians are often not aware of the vast basic science literature of biological and health harms from RFR which support precautionary reduction of wireless devices in the home, classroom and in the medical setting (Mccredden 2022), in favor of wired connections. RFR acts as a toxicant similar to chemical toxins, enhancing oxidative stress, damage to DNA, lipids and proteins with broad effects on metabolic, repair and energy pathways. Stem cell and epigenetic alterations from non-thermal levels of RFR have also been demonstrated. Many are now looking at the risk versus benefits of technology, cell phones and wireless devices in schools, especially for the younger grades, due to complex mental and physical health impacts.

The Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA) in California passed a comprehensive list of policy recommendations on safe technology in schools in March 2023 which addresses some of these issues. They note, “Having a safe and healthy environment that promotes learning is essential for the performance and success of students. Positive outcomes in health and education have far reaching benefits and conversely negative outcomes affect all future generations and our society at large.”

The SCCMA has listed the issues and research supporting these best practices recommendations. Go online to then Programs/Environmental Health/Policy Recommendations.

For more information and scientific references on biologic effects of radiofrequency radiation go to

Physicians for Safe Technology at Medical Association Adopts Recommendations for Best Practices for Safe Technology in Schools. PST Blog. August 2023.

Wireless technology is an environmental stressor requiring new understanding and approaches in health care. McCredden JE et al. Front. Public Health, 20 December 2022. Sec. Radiation and Health, Volume 10 – 2022.



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