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Demand President Biden to declare a Climate Emergency!

Tell your Members of Congress to
Support the Climate Emergency Resolution

Earlier this week, Senator Sanders and Representatives Blumenauer and Ocasio-Cortez’s co-sponsored a resolution calling on President Biden to declare a climate emergency, end the fossil fuel era, and jumpstart our transition to a just, renewable energy future.

The resolution was recently introduced, with support from many organizations.

Intensifying climate disasters speak volumes about the urgency of bold climate action.

Climate science warns us that this trend will become more severe without an urgent phase out of fossil fuel production. Yet the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, approving fossil fuel projects at record rates, worsening the climate crisis and harming environmental justice communities. We can’t afford to delay the transition off fossil fuels and to a resilient and renewable future.

Luckily, President Biden has the tools to make this shift! With emergency and existing powers, the President has the full authority to tackle the leading cause of the climate emergency - fossil fuels. With his existing powers, he can stop granting federal permits for fossil fuel projects and phase down oil and gas production on federal lands and waters. If he declares a climate emergency, he can reinstate the crude oil export ban. We urge your boss to join their colleagues and the thousands of organizations and frontline communities demanding that the President act boldly to tackle the climate emergency and center environmental justice.

Will you stand with us to put the US on a path free from fossil fuels?

Call your House Representative & Senator today

and tell them to endorse this resolution!

Steps to Contact your Members of Congress

2. Call the number and say (to the secretary or answering machine) your name and that you are a constituent of that representative, with any credentials you add.

For example, feel free to state you are a nurse, physician, teacher, parent, etc.

3. Ask Members of Congress to Endorse the Resolution

  • Say something like "I'm calling to ask (YOUR REP'S NAME) to support the Climate Emergency Resolution and demand President Biden to leverage existing and emergency executive powers to tackle the climate emergency and phase out fossil fuels."

4. Thank the listener. You're done!

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