Legacy Circle
A Powerful Gift for Our Future
A Better Tomorrow
Your generosity lives on when you leave a legacy gift.
There are many ways to carefully plan for a charitable gift for the future, while making sure your financial goals are met.
There are also many benefits to a planned gift, including tax advantages that will not impact what you leave behind for your family.

Your legacy
Your decisions are personal and made after careful consideration. The information displayed here is not intended as financial or legal advice.
We strongly recommend that you consult your legal advisor, financial planner, and family members prior to making any decisions.
If you are interested in discussing a planned gift, please contact Tonyehn Verkitus, Executive Director, for more information: tonyehn@psrpa.org
What are some of the options for planned giving?
Bequests - giving assets through the provisions of a will or an estate plan.
Life insurance - donating a policy or including Good Neighbors Canada as a beneficiary.
Registered plans (RRSPs and RRIFs).
Charitable annuities.
Charitable trusts.
Securities and mutual funds.
Named funds (expendable and endowed).
Legacy Circle Members
Dr. Saul Wider
Saul Wider was an advocate for peace and justice; marching against war, gun violence, corporate greed and poverty, and for universal healthcare and other progressive causes.
Saul and his wife Joan were long time members of PSR PA and believed deeply in our work and mission.
Throughout his life, Saul was an advocate for peace and justice, belonging to SANE/Freeze and Physicians for Social Responsibility, and along with his wife and children; marching against war, gun violence, corporate greed and poverty, and for universal healthcare and other progressive causes.