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Image by Hannah Busing


Image by Wonderlane

Speakers & Presentations

Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania offers presentations on a variety of mission-driven topics through our Education &

Advocacy Council.

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Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania created OCAREER, 

a tangible approach for

examining the links between

climate and health.

Image by Rux Centea

Skills Training

PSR PA Advocacy Training focuses on grassroots advocacy and our resources include content and materials that will help anyone build advocacy capacity.

Connect with Us

Physicians for Social Responsibility  Pennsylvania

1735 Market Street

Suite A # 510

Philadelphia, PA 19103



EIN: 23-2153775
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The official registration and financial information of Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3), tax deductible organization, may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.  Registration does not imply endorsement.

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