Clean Energy & Health Conference
Clean Energy & Health Virtual Conference
This conference, which took place in September of 2020, is now over. However, please feel free to view and share all the presentations below.

Made possible by generous funding from the US Climate Action Network (USCAN)
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Pennsylvania (PSR-PA) and Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) would like to officially welcome you to the conference.
Click the Welcome link for Q&A access.
How to Participate
Richard from PSR outlines how to participate in the conference, including the online Q&A with speakers throughout the two weeks.
Click the How to Participate link for Q&A access.
Opening Keynote
Dr. Tee Guidotti, Former Chair, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, George Washington University
Click the Opening Keynote link for Q&A access.
Panel 1: Perspectives on local jobs in clean energy
Laura Rigell, Philadelphia Energy Authority
NaDerah Griffin, M.Ed, MS Forensic Medicine, Serenity Soular
Walt Yakabosky, Energy Coordinating Agency
Panel 2: How to support the growth of a clean energy economy
Chris Rabb, Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Daniel Aldana Cohen, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Liz Robinson, Philadelphia Solar Energy Association
Valerie Arkoosh, MD, MPH, Montgomery County (PA) Board of Commissioners
Panel 3: Health impacts of action/inaction towards a clean energy economy
Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, MPH, Children’s Environmental Health Network
Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Walter Tsou, MD, MPH, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Closing Keynote
Joline Price and Josie Pickens from Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (Energy Unit) give attendees an energy affordability lens with which they can reflect on the presentations that they've viewed.
Click the Closing Keynote link for Q&A access.